Monday, November 18, 2013


In class we talked about the different generations and how major things would usually hold a generation together. The millennial generation isn't really known for no major event that binds them together. When I think of millennial I think of the movie "Knocked up". The man who got the woman pregnant had the characteristics associated with a millennial generation person. He was someone who was very lazy and didn't take charge or take situations serious. He was still acting like a child and was forced to grow up, he wouldn't take responsibility for his actions and was very much care free smoking weed with friends and just hanging out. He did eventually rise to the occasion and do what he had to do.

Technology is also a main component associated with the millennial generation. It holds them together, because how fast technology is advancing and its people of my generation that will continue to take it to the next level. Although technology can be a good and bad thing for the reasons it has made my generation lazy and gave them easy access to the main sites they like to visit such as facebook and twitter. When I think of my generation I think of how stuck people are on these social networks and how they use them everyday. How people are so into their phones always texting and talking and how they always want the latest thing out. The good thing is the advancement of technology could take people to a whole other level and it keeps people connected.


  1. I like the examples you used because the movie Knocked Up can be related to a lot of young teenagers as you see more and more teen pregnancies without the father/mother being involved because they do not want to deal with the fact that they have to grow up fast and take on big responsibilities. I agree that technology has made people more lazy because it is easier using technology than going out and doing something.

    1. Thank you and I do agree that teen pregnancy is rising. With shows like "16 and pregnant", many teens are in denial and watch the show and the fame that those kids get but don't know how hard it really is. Me myself being 22 years old and having two children know it is not easy but luckily the father isn't like the man from "knocked up" and stepped up from day one. Also technology is making it easy for people to be more lazy and making a lot of things accessible to were people don’t even have to leave their homes.
