Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What are we trying to sell?

Jean Kilbourn from the video "Killing Us Softly 4" would object to an advertisement like this. This add is supposed to selling a bra but in reality it is selling sex. It says "I can't cook but who cares" It objectifies women and basically tells us it doesn't matter if we can't cook, as long as you have big breasts and look a specific way then your okay. It says that this is the one and only wonder bra, is it a wonder becasue it can get you man or make you look like how she looks. When a man looks at this he isn't looking at the bra they're selling, but the woman wearing it and how she looks all promiscuous with her mouth open like shes telling you to come get her. A woman will see how men pay attention to this and want to go out and buy a bra like that thinking that will have men drolling over them like they would the woman in this image. The woman is in a setting by herself and holding the straps of the bra like she could take it of anytime. This add also feeds into the typical stereotype of how women should be the ones doing the cooking, but now it doesn't really matter because something else is for dinner. The add has no information about this bra but if you read inbetween the lines and open your eyes like Jean Kilbourn, you will see that as women we are just sex objects in the media.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you how this ad basically objectifies women. Its not right how our society today can sell any product with just a sexual remark. Its ridiculous how many women would buy this bra just because they think they would be more sexy. When really she has no info about how comfortable or anything else that's really important with the bra.
